UWC strives to ensure that as many students as possible have the opportunity to experience a UWC education regardless of their national, socio-economic, cultural, ethnic or religious background. UWC achieves this through selection based on potential and merit and through their substantial scholarship program. To continue this work, UWC depends on donations from alumni and other individuals, foundations, companies, organizations, authorities and governments.
Your donation to UWC Sverige may be used in two ways: to fund our scholarships and to help finance the administrative costs of UWC Sverige.
Nearly all of our funds go directly to financing the annual scholarships we award to our selected students. Our overheads are small compared to other charities. In the 2022-23 financial year, they amounted to around 5% of our school fees costs. By comparison, the Red Cross has administrative overheads of around 12% of its turnover. The fact that we are able to keep costs so low is of course due to the extensive volunteer efforts and the fact that we have no employees or office space. By donating to UWC Sverige, you can help fund additional UWC scholarships and give more Swedish youth the opportunity to study at UWC.
UWC Sverige's adminstrative costs
UWC Sverige is run by dedicated volunteers who receive no payment. However, the National Committee needs financial resources to operate. In addition to scholarship funds, your donation will contribute to the funding of our outreach and selection process and will be used for costs such as: promoting UWC in Swedish media, reaching out to schools and students outside metropolitan areas, and providing suitable premises for our interviews. For more information on our exact income and expenditure, please refer to our latest annual report which can be found here.
Gift categories
The UWC relies on charitable contributions from donors to fulfill its mission. Donations/gifts can be received in many different forms, including but not limited to:
- Financial gifts including gifts of cash and direct bank transfers;
- Shares and other securities
- Real estate;
- Interest from mutual funds
- Wills;
- Non-financial gifts such as clothing, services, access to premises, etc.
Tax advice on donations
UWC uppmuntrar alla givare att söka sin egen juridiska eller skattemässiga rådgivning innan de ger en gåva. UWC kan inte hållas ansvariga för givarens skatteförpliktelser och kan inte tillhandahålla juridiskt bindande
råd i sådana frågor. Däremot kan vi konstatera följande:
UWC encourages all donors to seek their own legal or tax advice before making a donation. UWC can not be held responsible for the tax obligations of the donor and cannot provide legally binding advice on such matters. However, we can state the following:
UWC Sverige is not liable for tax because we are a non-profit organization that does not conduct business activities. This means that we do not pay tax on our donations.
A donor is not entitled to a deduction or tax reduction for donations to UWC Sverige. This right is reserved for charities aimed at (a) scientific research and (b) social aid activities. By definition, social aid activities are aimed at people in need of financial support. Guidance on the legal definition can be found here.
UWC is an international organization and in the course of its work, UWC Sverige may share information about your donation with others in the UWC family (UWC schools, National Committees and the International Office). UWC takes your privacy seriously and will never share your data with organizations outside the UWC family. One exception is our bank, which may need access to our donors' personal information in their work to prevent money laundering, as required by Swedish law.
We may also ask if you would consent for your name to be published on our list of donors on our website. You can always refuse or have your name removed if you change your mind in the future.
Our gift acceptance policy:
For general information about the types of gifts we accept and our policy on their acceptance:
Download the UWC Gift Acceptance Code (PDF)
If you are considering donating a sum exceeding 50,000.00 SEK, please contact us in advance at
How can I donate?
You can make a donation to UWC Sweden via Swish or bank transfer. Transfer to bankgiro 656-8752 or swish to 123 373 54 53.
If you have any questions or wish to inquire about donating other gift categories, please contact us at